This past week in the Mid-Atlantic states people were warned not to go outside due to the terrible air quality. I decided to attach this article because the photos are so shocking.
Finding the Sacred Self
Flow of the Heart
We are traveling well into the Fire/Summertime. It is hot here in Tucson. Today the highs will be in the upper 90s. These desert temperatures can be difficult. Sometimes it feels like I’m melting when I walk outside in the afternoon. The heat manages to get deep inside. We reach for the cold drink. Hot drinks would most likely be better. But what else happens this season?
The Movement Toward Summer
When I arrived in Tucson last week on April 25th, the Palo Verde trees were all in bloom with yellow flowers. While it’s not a forest it is everywhere. This is the main flowering tree around here and the flowers remind me of being in DC and awaiting the magic of the Cherry Blossoms in late March where you can’t help but be hypnotized by the magnificent trees’ energy. Then later in April the azalea bushes are in full bloom, then as they wilt and fall the heat intensifies as Summer comes.
On Jasper the Great Traveling Dog
Whenever I talk with people, they ask me about my traveling companion Jasper. Let me assure you he is totally fine. I’m not sure he likes traveling in the van as he resists coming inside when it is time to hit the road. And he resists getting in the van even after a day of hours of activities outside, I think he would rather be in a hotel.