For the past year we have traveled through the time of the Wood Dragon. You might be noticing some ending of the energies of the dragon toward something different. That difference is the energy of the Yin Green Snake or Wood Snake. The Chinese New Year begins the second new moon after the winter solstice. This year it lands on January 29th. Forget the confusion caused by looking at the Gregorian Calendar. The timing is the same every year. This time we are in another wood year and move to the next animal on the list the Snake.
First understand that the Wood Energy is associated with the movement to the Spring season. The Spring is about new growth, potential, birth and expansion. When I try to encapsulate the energy of the wood, I think about the signs of spring with the light green leaves on the trees suddenly awaken from their winter slumber. It is hopeful and gives an opportunity to think about the future and creative ways to approach life. You can burst forward in life just like these leaves.
The Snake is an animal that is associated with the Fire element, Small Intestines and the cardiac system. Being in the wood element this year is compatible since wood feeds the fire. One might anticipate some adrenaline with all this wood. However, if you approach things with an inner peacefulness, you can make creative opportunities ahead.
The Snake has his/her unique ability to shed her/his skin. We must honor this talent for he/she to makes room for growth. Some snakes shed their skin every month when they are young as they require more space. Apparently, it also is useful way to get rid of parasites. Just imagine if we could shed our outer layer. (You actually can with Qigong). And it is a means to maintain youthful energy.
According to the Taoist theory, there is a kind of force in the human body which coils itself like a snake and can be released if humans practice Taoism well. It will increase the vitality and longevity.
The snake years are characterized by expanding consciousness, tenaciousness, wisdom, intuition, wisdom, and the capacity to cultivate warmth and modesty. Because of the association with the small intestines, it is recommended that you eat lighter smaller meals to not overwhelm the small intestines. It is a great time to savor the moment with creativity in your cooking. Other than that, keep things calm to get to a state of higher consciousness.
During the 2 weeks before, we let go of the past year and make the preparations for the coming year. It takes a serious house cleaning. Sweeping your place is required. Clean every cabinet and take the time to release any things that no longer serve you. As we make this transition on the 29th you want to make room for the coming blessings. Get any personal things done like a haircut. Be ready for the new year.
It’s a time to gather with your family and visit relatives. You want to share in the excitement for the upcoming change. And last but not least you make prayers to your ancestors or as I like to say the beings around you who protect you.
I cleaned and cleaned. The more that you do the more that you are in the spirals of time. Through ritual and practices at these moments is how astrology whether western or eastern become real.
The celebration ends with the Full Moon and the Festival of Heaven. Most people refer to this as the Festival of the Lanterns.