Behold an amazing moment around 7:30 in the morning. It struck me how the light blazed through the layers of grey and white clouds. While the sky was dark, the light could be seen and felt. I was mesmerized by the feelings of light. Different from the sunrise this light managed to penetrate deep within me and bought with it sweetness. How does light do this?
In some ways that emergence of light is what we all seek. Despite all the confusion and chaos that clouds our inner essence, we know light is there waiting for discovery. Sometimes it involves a long road because there are layers of pain, hurt or fear to release. In-between the light and dark there is a momentary gap where we find our true selves. It takes work on our part to find it.
It brings to mind the yin/yang symbol. Obviously being a student of Taoism all these years, it is a symbol I’ve looked at and contemplated. It carries a bit of the dark within the light and a bit of the light within the dark. In this particular early morning, it was there. I was seeing both the light within the dark and the dark within the light. The yin/yang always involves movement though it looks static. It is meant to depict movement. It all requires movement.
This has been the greatest discovery in practicing Qigong. It moves that which is stagnant to create an expansion and contraction in every moment. And with that allowing you to live within the healthiest version of yourself. Your life is as remarkable as the light shining through the clouds.