Moving toward the Fall and letting go

On August 7th, according to the Chinese calendar, the movement to the Autumn season and the Metal Element begins.   It’s easy to lose track of it as there is really another element that forcefully makes an appearance before we feel the Metal element.  This is the Earth element which is the first sign of the slowdown from summer and tends to be realized as a kind of sinking into relaxation.  The fruits and vegetables are glorious at this time and the bounty often requires canning, making jam, pickling, or preparing dishes that you can freeze.   Often this late summer weather is humid.   And it is a time I find that I languish in the accompanying stillness.  I recall the hammock often used in the backyard when I was younger.

I got used to that slow moving pace in keeping with the hot and humid.  This week though I faced the change.  I woke earlier and found I was not accosted by the humidity and instead I was taking in deeper breaths. (Notice the photo from predawn.)   The dog wants to run around more.  I know that much of the Mid-Atlantic states are in an awful heat wave.  It’s hotter there than in Florida.  But the Chinese never anticipated the effects of global warming.  No matter the weather, in the fall brings the experience of looking forward to the events that come with this change of season.  There are the calendars for the upcoming seasons for performances and classes.

Additionally, the Jewish holidays begin this week. For me, it is really that holiday that allows a deep dive inward.  As the metal element is so much about letting go it is the kind of holiday that I associate with the fall and the metal element.  Its focus is releasing and renewal.   In my family of origin, we would ask each other for forgiveness for any pain that we caused, whether unintentional or intentional.   We would begin with one another to create a clean slate to make a spiritual clean slate with whatever needs to be addressed.  The most important relationship in life is truly with spirit, no matter what belief system you follow.  And the Metal element is also about the connection to the heavenly spirit.

I invite you to welcome in the metal element.  See it in the air, the leaves, the birds and mark this moment with your own practices which will create the connection that you want with spirit.  If that isn’t the place that you normally explore, just take a moment, and sit with it to discover what is important to you about your relationship with spirit.  I hope that when you do this you will find the spirit in yourself, and support from others that allows you to make some sweet connection of your longing.

In honor of the Metal shift all the offerings this week will be oriented toward purging, letting go, inspiration and finding your inner sense of worth.  These are all related to the clear functioning of the metal element on the body/mind/spirit levels in our lives.


About the author: Eve Soldinger

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